Why Does Facebook Not Refresh My Feed

Are you irritated because your Facebook feed is not loading no matter how many times you close and reopen it? Do you want a solution and fix the problem?

Then you landed on the right page.

I recently faced the same issue suddenly a few days ago and was estranged from any social updates from my friends. So, I instantly started looking on the internet for a solution, and after a couple of hours, I found the reasons and solved them to fix the problem myself.

Why is Facebook feed not refreshing?

The Facebook feed is not refreshing because of a poor internet connection, corrupted cache files, incorrect news feed settings, incorrect date and time or a backdated Facebook app. Also, if Facebook's servers are down, the news feed won't refresh automatically.

In this post, I will explain every reason why the Facebook feed is not loading and later will show you how to fix the problem of the Facebook feed not loading.

So, without any further adieu, let's get started!how-to-fix-the-problem-of-facebook-feed-not-loading

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Why is the Facebook Feed Not Loading

If you're wondering why your Facebook feed is not loading, then there are a bunch of reasons for that.

Facebook works in complicated ways, both in computers and smartphones. To run everything smoothly, it needs to keep various background processes running. If any of them misbehaves, it might lead to today's problem, and your Facebook feed won't load.

Fortunately, I pointed out all the reasons that might lead Facebook not to load the feed through my research. I'm listing the reasons below with short explanations for your better understanding. Go through the list and figure out the one troubling you.

Here are the reasons behind the Facebook feed not loading:

Auto-Refresh Glitch

Facebook continuously refreshes itself automatically, so users don't need to get the latest updates from their friends and associates by refreshing manually.

But, this whole simple thing goes south if the auto-refresh feature experiences glitch. This glitch doesn't let the auto-refresh feature initiate, and as a result, the Facebook feed doesn't refresh itself and leaves with old updates from the user's associates.

So, if you have the Facebook feed not loading issue, that could be because of an auto-refresh glitch.

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Corrupted Cache Files

Another common reason behind Facebook feed not loading issue is corrupted cache files of your browser or the Facebook app on your smartphone.

Facebook stores cookies and cache files on your device to perform smoothly and refresh for newer updates. But, piled up unnecessary cache files from previous sessions might conflict with each other and block various processes crucial to running Facebook smoothly.

One of those processes might be the auto-refresh feature.

If the auto-refresh feature cannot initiate it's operations due to corrupted cache files, you will be left with a Facebook feed not loading problem.

Facebook's Maintenance Break

Facebook manages the users' data and their whole operation through several servers, and they need constant maintenance to keep it functioning.

When it's time for doing some maintenance work on a server that manages the data of people of a specific region, it sometimes needs to be shut down. If that's the case, no one in that particular server cannot use or access Facebook.

At that moment, if you access Facebook, it'll show the old updates and will not load the news feed.

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Multiple Active Sessions

Another reason you're having the problem of Facebook feed not loading is multiple active sessions.

Logging in to Facebook from two different devices and keeping both of them active will create a conflict, resulting in not loading the Facebook news feed.

It's not a very common reason behind the Facebook feed not loading issue but, if you've multiple active sessions running, consider it as a reason behind your problem.

Incorrect Facebook Feed Preferences

If your Facebook feed preferences are set up incorrectly, you'll end up with a Facebook feed not loading issue.

Facebook has user-specific setting options that you can customize on your preferences, and Facebook feeds preference setting is one of them. If you want to get a specific type of news, videos, updates, you can select them to show from the feed preferences settings.

But, if you mess them up or mistakenly set up contradictory settings, your Facebook feed won't load the latest updates.

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Backdated Facebook App

Another reason behind Facebook feed not loading is a backdated Facebook app.

Facebook made it a lot easier to use it with their official app for your PC and device unless you use the web version. If you use the app, it needs to run various processes to keep functioning.

If the app is backdated and lacks the latest algorithms and additional features, it cannot smoothly connect with Facebook's server.

In that case, your Facebook feed won't load, and you won't get any updates because of that backdated app.

Incorrect Date and Time

Suppose the date and time of your device are set incorrectly. Then there arises a conflict between your device and Facebook's data server, which halts all the data transfer containing the latest activities for your Facebook feed.

So, incorrect date and time settings on your devices will lead to a Facebook feed not loading issue.

Poor Internet Connection

The most common of all the reasons behind Facebook feed not loading is a poor and unstable internet connection.

Facebook depends on the internet to connect with its servers to fetch you the latest activities of your Facebook friends and associates. But, if the data connection is poor or unstable, Facebook can't reach it's servers and exchange the data containing the news feed updates.

As a result, your Facebook feed won't load, and you won't see any latest activities on your feed. So, be aware if you're facing the Facebook feed not loading problem. It can be caused by poor internet connection.

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How to Fix the Problem of Facebook Feed not Loading

As I've told you the several reasons that cause the problem of the Facebook feed not loading, now, I'll show you how to fix them and get rid of the problem.

In this section, I'll show you the methods to solve the reasons mentioned in the previous section with a simple step-by-step guide.

Once you've selected the main reason behind the Facebook feed not loading issue, you can now solve them by following the guideline I'm about to show below.

Follow the guidelines and perform the steps carefully to avoid any further inconveniences.

Here are the methods to fix the problem of Facebook feed not loading:

1. Restart the Facebook App or Browser

First of all, if you see the Facebook feed is not loading, restart the medium you're using Facebook on. It can be the Facebook app on your smartphone or a browser on your PC.

Here are the steps to close Facebook properly:

For a Windows PC:

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For Smartphone:

  • Open the recent apps.
  • Swipe up Facebook to kill it's processes or click on Clear All. recent-apps-clear

Now restart the browser and log in to Facebook or open the Facebook app again on your smartphone.

2. Clear Browser or Facebook's Cache Files

As you know that the corrupted cache files can cause the Facebook app not to load the feed; clearing them can fix the issue. Cleaning the obsolete cache files of the browser and Facebook app's cache files on your smartphone can fix the feed not loading issue.

Don't worry if you're unaware of this process. I'll help you with my step-by-step guide below.

Here are the steps to clear browser and Facebook app's cache files:

For Browser:

Now your browser's cache files are cleared.

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For Smartphone:

Now the Facebook app's cache files are cleared from your phone.

Go to Facebook again and see if the issue still persists.

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3. Close Multiple Active Sessions

I've told you that multiple active sessions can result in a Facebook feed not loading problem. So, if you have multiple active sessions, terminate them to get rid of the issue.

I'm showing you below how to terminate multiple active sessions with my step-by-step guide, follow the guide and apply the steps to close multiple active sessions of Facebook.

Here are the steps to close multiple active sessions of Facebook:

For PC:

Now the multiple active sessions are closed.

For Smartphone:

Now you've successfully terminated the multiple active sessions from the Facebook mobile app.

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4. Set Up Facebook Feed Preferences

Incorrect Facebook feed preferences can mess up your feed, and in the worst-case scenario, it can block the feed from getting any updates. In that case, you'll be stuck with the Facebook feed not loading issue.

Follow the steps below to carefully set up your Facebook feed preferences with my step-by-step guideline.

Here are the steps to set up your Facebook feed preferences:

Now you can load your Facebook feed without any issue.

5. Update the Facebook App

If you're using the Facebook app on your mobile and cannot load the feed, then it is because the app has not been updated recently. Updating the app to the latest version will fix your issue instantly.

Follow the steps below carefully and do what is said to update the Facebook app.

Here are the steps to update the Facebook app:

Now your Facebook app is updated. Open the app and see if there's any issue left.

Note: You can also click on Update all under Update available dialogue inside the overview page. It'll update all the apps that are backdated.

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6. Set Correct Date and Time

As I said, you cannot load the Facebook feed if the date and time are not set correctly on your device. So, set them correctly to get rid of the issue.

It's a straightforward task that doesn't require much attention. Follow my step-by-step guide below to do it.

Here are the steps to update your device's date and time:

For Windows PC:

Now your date and time are set up correctly. Go to Facebook again and see if the issue still appears.

7. Use a Stable Internet Connection

I don't need to tell you how much the internet is necessary to use Facebook. Without it, you cannot imagine using Facebook. So, you must use a stable connection to browse Facebook. Otherwise, it won't fetch data from the servers to show you in the Facebook feed.

So, check your internet connection and router settings, and search if there's an issue there. If you can't solve them yourself, contact your network admins and ask for their help.

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How do I refresh my Facebook feed manually?

You can refresh your Facebook feed manually by pulling down your Facebook feed from the top post. It'll make a little swoosh sound and show you the latest updates. Generally, the Facebook feed updates automatically, but if t doesn't work, follow the manual method.

Why is Facebook not working on my iPhone?

Facebook is not working on your iPhone because you don't have an internet connection or the Facebook app is having difficulties running it's processes background. To fix this problem, quit the app from recent apps and relaunch it, and it'll work fine again.

How do I clear my Facebook cache on my iPhone?

To clear the Facebook app's cache on your iPhone, you can head over to the Settings & Privacy menu, clear its browser cache, and delete and reinstall the app. It'll fully clear its cached data, and sometimes it's the only way to remove Facebook's unnecessary cache files.

What happens if you clear data on Facebook?

If you clear the Facebook app's data on your phone, it'll just wipe the data of the Facebook app stored on your device. All your account info and activities will be intact as Facebook syncs them to the cloud storage. So even if you clear data or uninstall the app, your data will not be deleted.


I hope you've found the methods of how to fix the problem of the Facebook feed not loading through my post. Several reasons can be the cause behind this issue. Clearing the Facebook app's cache or the browser's cache always works.

So, follow my methods and guidelines carefully to apply them and solve the Facebook feed not loading issue.

If you have any further queries, comment below. Our experts will get to you right away!


Source: https://10scopes.com/fix-the-problem-of-facebook-feed-not-loading-2/#:~:text=Why%20is%20Facebook%20feed%20not,feed%20won't%20refresh%20automatically.

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